Approaching sustainability at the neighborhood level can make the task far less daunting. Look to these resources for ways you can set your neighborhood on a greener path.
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Land and Natural Resource Use
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Manage Animals and Pests
Landscape Naturally
Have a Beautiful and Functional Neighborhood
Reduce Air Pollution
Manage Animals and Pests
Landscape Naturally
Have a Beautiful and Functional Neighborhood
Reduce Air Pollution
Water Quality and Supply
Healthy, Active, and Safe Communities
Education, Engagement, and Empowerment
Infrastructure Investments
Economy and Work Force Development
Community Vitality
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About the Toolkit:
The Neighborhood Sustainability Toolkit is designed to function as a comprehensive collection of actions geared at increasing a neighborhood’s sustainability or as individual focus areas that a neighborhood can choose to support existing neighborhood efforts. Each neighborhood is made up of unique individuals, each neighborhood has different needs, and each neighborhood has its own vision of what sustainability means to them. This toolkit is meant to direct interested citizens to local resources that can help them achieve their goals. The five steps of Think, Plan, Act, Maintain, and Go Beyond spark deeper thinking on how to embrace sustainability through a neighborhood lens and offer several no-cost/low-cost suggestions as well as more expensive undertakings.
Sustainability as a whole consists of many individual actions that together result in collective, large-scale impact. If there are things your neighborhood is already doing, has just started doing, or will be doing as a result of this toolkit, please share your experiences with us and your larger community.
With your input and feedback on what works for you, as well as what doesn’t, we can improve the comprehensiveness and accuracy of this toolkit for use across the Toledo region.
The Neighborhood Sustainability Toolkit is designed to function as a comprehensive collection of actions geared at increasing a neighborhood’s sustainability or as individual focus areas that a neighborhood can choose to support existing neighborhood efforts. Each neighborhood is made up of unique individuals, each neighborhood has different needs, and each neighborhood has its own vision of what sustainability means to them. This toolkit is meant to direct interested citizens to local resources that can help them achieve their goals. The five steps of Think, Plan, Act, Maintain, and Go Beyond spark deeper thinking on how to embrace sustainability through a neighborhood lens and offer several no-cost/low-cost suggestions as well as more expensive undertakings.
Sustainability as a whole consists of many individual actions that together result in collective, large-scale impact. If there are things your neighborhood is already doing, has just started doing, or will be doing as a result of this toolkit, please share your experiences with us and your larger community.
With your input and feedback on what works for you, as well as what doesn’t, we can improve the comprehensiveness and accuracy of this toolkit for use across the Toledo region.